We are Bail Agents in Missouri, we are based out of Hannibal in Marion County and Columbia in Boone County. We cover Ralls, Pike, Audrain, Monroe, Lewis, Clark, Boone, Callaway, Cole, Cooper, Randolph, Lafayette, Camden, Potosi, Rolla, St James, and Lebannon. We can assist in other areas of Missouri also. We are a State certified provider for the 24 Hour Basic Training and CEU training.
We can answer any questions you may have and facilitate the writing of the bond to get your friend or love one released on Bail.
We accept cash, all major credit cards .
We provide hassle free service.. bail bonds bail bondsmen surety bond
Jeff Barton 573-795-2547 Statewide Columbia area 573-474-3389
Gayla Barton 573-268-2424 Statewide Columbia Office 573-474-3399
Johnathan "Gandhi" Paulus 573-476-9469 Columbia area 573-881-9100
Kansas City area 816-916-7750 Springfield area 417-414-2214
Justin Bramblett 573-795-1517 Hannibal Tasha McDonald 573-647-0927 Phelps
Sarina Cunningham 573-268-4878 Columbia Austin Hill 636- 284-8944 St Charles
Darrell Tucker 573-253-1468 Auxvasse Alex Bricker 573-719-8522 Hannibal
Brad Ruhl 573-575-8086 Lake of the Ozarks Matt Livesay 573-248-4713 Hannibal
Jake Rosa 636-399-7040 Louisiana Pat Jones 573-248-9337 Ewing/Taylor
Jake Paulus 573-825-1515 Columbia Leslie Morrow 314-703-1266 Ofallon
Jacqueline Bergesch 417-308-6624 Eldorado Springs
Damien Brown 314-703-1266 Arnold Trevor Jackson 970-988-0354 Fenton
Ryan Steffens 314-607-8592
Our professional staff includes agents licensed since 1992, providing discrete, fast customer service is our goal. We have special expertise in Bail and skip recovery.